We finally got to the bowling alley and ended up making an East/Midwest (Susan, Mari, Pete, and me) vs. West (Brian, Austin, and Sam) game. The alley wasn't in the best shape - several of the balls had deep scratches that made it impossible for them to roll properly, for example - but we had fun anyway. I'm not even sure who won (the scores were erased immediately after the game ended), but then again, who cares?
After bowling, we still felt rather energetic...luckily, there was an arcade next door! (There was also an ice-skating rink, but the ice looked kind of dirty and none of us are good at skating, so it would seem.) Some of the games you could find in any boardwalk arcade or Chuck-e-Cheese in America, but others were...uniquely Asian =P
unfortunately, none of us read Japanese!
Between all of us, we got about 75 tickets, but the girl at the prize counter was nice and gave us this little orange elephant stuffy with blue ears, hanging from a keyring, which was supposed to be 80 tickets. It's hanging in our office now - I've unofficially named it Tangerine because it's a really bright orange!
After some classic vanilla soft-serve at McDonalds, it was time to head home...tomorrow's agenda: teach class, hopefully get some grading done, then opening ceremony of the English Festival!
seems like a lot of down time, eh?
Not a lot - I still had to teach at 8 AM the next morning =P