Friday, May 7, 2010

Fulbright film stars?

Last week when we first got down to thinking about how to plan a prom in 2 weeks, we worried about generating enough publicity to encourage students to come, especially since it was the end of the semester when many of them have exams (especially our own EELC102 students, who had an exam the next day). We batted around the idea of a video that could be shown on the TV screens around campus, but didn’t start writing or anything, first deciding to concentrate on a poster and asking the other ELC teachers to tell their classes.

Last Monday/Tuesday, however, we got serious. In a late-night flurry of inspiration, Sam/Susan/I hammered out an outline involving a couple getting ready for prom…but how could we make it funny? Throw in a fairy godmother…err, god-uncle, some McDonalds, a rockin’ soundtrack, and ta-da! For your watching pleasure, I present the promotional video for City Lights:

Seriously, making this thing will probably be one of my most hysterical memories from this year as an ETA. From Tom threatening to stuff a French fry up Austin’s nose to Sam’s fluttery eyelashes, it took us twice as long to film only because we were laughing so hard half the time. This video will also probably live on in infamy at the ELC…Janice (one of the teachers) wants to use it as a “perfect example of gestural communication” for her 200-level classes in years to come!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen,

    Thanks for writing your blog! I'm preparing for a 2012-2013 ETA in Macau, and it's been very helpful. I was wondering if you have any advice about searching for housing in Macau. The last round of ETAs had access to university housing, but this year, we will have to find our own apartments with the help of a MOP 1,500/month stipend. Thanks!

    Best, Amanda
