Sunday, June 6, 2010

On the road again...

As usual, I have lots that I want to write about, but very little time to sit down and type out my thoughts, never mind editing and putting in photos (even if I had my other laptop with Photoshop). After City Lights (the UM prom), I had to administer and grade the second exam for my students, grade their second speaking project, start checkout procedures, etc. On top of that, my mom and sister came to visit for over a week - they were perfectly cooperative when I said I had to get work done, but of course I wanted to spend lots of time with my family and show them Macau, right? A relatively new Facebook album documenting many of my wanderings is online, but there are lots of recent photos I haven't yet to sort through and upload (darn you, 200-photo/album limit!).

The main point of this post, however, is to note that I will be mostly traveling for the next 3 weeks, so if I'm in transit I'll try to catch up a bit on writing, then post intermittently when I get Internet access. Unfortunately, mainland China blocks Blogger, so I won't be able to get any of that online until I get back to the US in July. That said, here's the (rather hectic) schedule:

June 7-10 Ho Chi Minh City/Mekong Delta
June 11-14 Kuala Lumpur
June 15 Macau for a day; pick up Dad
June 16-20 Fuzhou
June 21-25 Beijing
June 26-28 Xi'an
June 29 Get back to Macau
June 30 Last day in Macau
July 1 Fly home via Taipei

Now, time to finish packing for HCMC/KL...see you all later!

P.S. I leave you with this soon-to-be-nostalgic photo of my sister and I with my EELC102 students at the end of the last class:

1 comment:

  1. Have fun with your family! I'm glad that they get to visit you finally =)
