Yesterday afternoon, I went to walk around Senado Square (it’s just referred to as “The Fountain” for the large fountain in the middle). I bought a belt, and I also ate Shanghai-style fried dumplings as well as a Taiwanese “pepper-meat bun” (the translation just says pepper bun).
我 們 找 到 了 一 家 書 店 那 裡 有 許 多 英 文 和 中 文 小 說。 我 不 知 道 Roald Dahl 寫 了 那 麽 多 本!
We (Susan and I) also found a bookstore with many English and Chinese novels…I never knew Roald Dahl wrote so many books!
I may just have to buy some of the titles here, because I've never seen them in the US...the "new" ones appear to be geared toward older readers, mostly consisting of short story collections. Still, seeing a title like "Kiss Kiss" from the author of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" was a bit disconcerting. The rest of the bookstore had a semi-random hodgepodge of titles, but I may go back to find something simple to read in Chinese once I've improved my vocabulary a bit more. It's definitely true that context helps - I still have trouble just recognizing individual characters (one reason that typing in Chinese takes me so long!) but reading signs and stuff is usually ok because I can figure out what the whole phrase is supposed to be. Going home last night on the bus, I knew a restaurant served "seafood hotpot" even though I had no idea what the character for guo (kettle or pot) was supposed to be =P
I may just have to buy some of the titles here, because I've never seen them in the US...the "new" ones appear to be geared toward older readers, mostly consisting of short story collections. Still, seeing a title like "Kiss Kiss" from the author of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" was a bit disconcerting.
我 在 噴 水 池 最 喜 歡 的 店:果 子 天 地!
This place is possibly my favorite shop in Senado Square: Fruit Wonderland!

Besides having lots of delicious American candies (Coca-cola bottles, gummy bears, even gummy penguins), they also sell an incredible variety of Chinese “snacks” like shredded squid (there’s a shredding machine right by the door), peanuts, and many dried fruits. Some of the English translations are pretty hilarious, as seen below:

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